Sunday, November 6, 2016


How can it be November? Time is flying by and third grade is a very busy place!

Thank you for sending in juice boxes for our Intermediate Halloween fun.
We had a great time writing scary stories and creating some pretty awesome pictures to go with our stories. Working together as a wing is the best! We also had some yummy cookies to decorate...Thank You Mr. Hileman!

We also teamed up to make Veteran's Day cards for our celebration on Thursday.

Last week third grade was introduced to our new keyboarding program....Typesy and they love it! They have started with learning home row.

As you can see we have been busy. Last week we finished a science unit on animal behaviors. This week we start a social studies unit. Third grade will be taking part in a simulation about Jamestown. This is an AWESOME unit and the kids will love it. They will learn all about the life of colonists and pilgrims through team work and simulations.

We started Unit 3 in math. As our math starts to become more challenging please remember your child has math homelinks nightly. It is very important to get that extra practice and most homelinks take about 10 minutes. Thank you so much for helping your child!

In reading we have finished up some class books and responses. This week we will start group books. If you child brings home a book to read it is important for them to complete the assignment so all groups can move along together. Having children read 20 minutes each night is so important in helping them develop great reading and writing skills. It also helps them become more confident readers.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email or call me at any time. I am truly enjoying working with you and your children!

I hope you all had a great weekend.

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