Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! I have done some day trips, a trip to NH, reading, and some relaxing!

I just came home from Target and....guess what it out? 


As teachers are constantly looking for new ideas and things for our classroom, but the school supplies so soon took me by surprise!

I want to take the time to repost my step up day letter:

Welcome to Third Grade!

Dear Third Graders and Parents,
I am so excited to be your teacher! We are going to learn some new and exciting things.
I love third grade and I know you will too!

In third grade these are some of the great things you will learn:

We read and write daily. You will read in groups, partners, and independently. Third graders will do book projects, reports, and response journals.
In writing, we will focus on opinion writing, narrative writing, research, and writing stories. We use language folders to help with grammar. Third graders will also learn to edit and revise throughout the year.

In third grade we still do read-alouds. It is one of my favorite parts of the day! Some to the books I love to read are: The Humphrey Series, Nanny Piggins, Indian in the Cupboard, Ivan, Castle in the Attic, Tuesdays in the Castle, The Imaginary Veterinary Series and many more! I am always on the look out for new books so these are subject to change. We also do units of Fables, Folktales, and Poetry. I am very excited about my new unit using, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

We still use Everyday Math in third grade. Along with this program we will use robotics kits, prodigy, IXL, and lots of multiplication drills. Third graders will also be creating an interactive notebook they will use to study for tests.

Social Studies
We will alternate between science and social studies units throughout the year. The topics we will cover in social studies are: Plymouth Colony, Explorers, and Native Americans. 
In all these units the kids will be actively involved with projects, research, and role playing.

As you know we have an awesome science curriculum. We adopted Stemscopes and few years ago and we love it! We will also be adding Mystery Science! Both programs are very creative and challenging. I love how it pushes our students and makes them curious about the world around them. Our science includes units in earth, life, and physical science.

Third grade is a great year! Children are starting to become much more independent. It is a great year to start making them a little more responsible for their homework and packing their backpacks. It is so much fun to watch them come in as “second graders” and leave more confident and more independent. I love their sense of humor and their love for learning!

When you start to see the, “Back to School”, signs here are some things you can look for to help your child and our classroom get ready to start the year!

Your child will need:
a small storage box for their personal items
5 composition notebooks(for interactive notebooks)
1 or 1 1/2 in three ring binder
Sturdy Folder(home/school communication)

For Our Classroom:
colored pencils
clorox wipes
glue bottles

Flexible Seating:
This year I am starting flexible seating in my classroom. I have done lots of research and reading and am excited to give it a try. I will give you more information on this at a later day!

I do have a classroom blog. Please check it out! I try to update every 1-2 weeks during the school year. This is a great way to see what we do during our day and look for important information. You can find our blog at

I am attaching a reading log. Do you think our class can read 100 books over the summer? Keep track and send them in on the first day!

I am looking forward to an AWESOME third grade year! If you think of any questions or concerns or you just want to have your child email me this summer please feel free to email me at:

Have a wonderful summer!
Mrs. Humphrey

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